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Shopping & Manufacture


Category X


Site Description Special Service Account? Added Checked Contributor
Goldspot Pens A wide variety of pens, particularly fountain. Based in New Jersey (USA). 🇺🇸 ~ shop.app Not Required 25.03.10 25.03.10 dir2
paper republic Swedish paper and Italian leather come together in Vienna to make unique, simple writing and artbooks. 🇦🇹 ~ shop.app Not Required 25.03.10 25.03.10 dir2



Site Description Special Service Account? Added Checked Contributor
Adafruit TBD header shop.app header 25.02.23 25.02.23 dir2


Site Description Origin Special Service Account? Added Checked Contributor
Framework Modular, upgradable and repairable computers with default Linux support. header Origin header Required 25.02.22 25.02.22 dir2
System76 Laptops and desktops built with Linux compatability in mind. header header header 25.02.22 25.02.22 dir2
Raspberry Pi header header header header 25.02.22 25.02.22 dir2
Clockwork A variety of modular, cyberdeck-style computers based off of Raspberry Pi and RISC-V cores. header header header 25.02.22 25.02.22 dir2


Site Description Space1 Test Header Added Checked Contributor
Light Manufacturer of small, unique phones designed with only essentials and minimal distraction in mind. header header header 25.02.22 25.02.22 dir2

Gaming Consoles

Site Description Space1 Test Header Added Checked Contributor
Evercade Classics - purchase offsite! header header header 25.03.10 25.02.10 dir2
Playdate A black-and-white mini handheld (with digital game distribution) built by Panic, Inc. and Teenage Engineering. header header header 25.02.22 25.02.22 dir2
Pex Labs A retro-inspired game console purpose built for fantasy console PICO-8. header header header 25.02.22 25.02.22 dir2
Ink Console On open source e-ink handheld focusing on text-based adventure games. header header header 25.02.22 25.02.22 dir2





Knowledge and Statstics

Shopping & Manufacture

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